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October 23, 2018

She would've been 36 today...

She was a very happening girl
Eldest in her family
Happy go lucky...

We used to go to the library together
We shared notes and would fill each other in
whenever the exam was near
We challenged and motivated each other

Both of us got accepted into matriculation college in year 2000
and we went together...
But after a while away from home,
she decided to transfer back to Kuching and later got accepted into UTP
During our university days, we seldom got in touch
But she visited me in Shah Alam a few times;
even my ex-housemates still remember her up to now...

One evening in December 2004, I received a call from a friend;
telling me that my best friend has left us all...
After the call, I remember crying out loud
I couldn't believe she was no longer around...

She was only 22 at that time
Only a year to go to graduate
She would've graduated with flying colours and be a successful enginner
And she would've a family of her own by now...

Up to today, I still get very sad whenever I think of her...
The last time we met, it didn't end really well and I still think about it every now and then
And the last time we spoke on the phone, we didn't get a chance to really patch things up...

I lost a best friend.. and I miss her dearly!!
But I believe God loves her more and everything happened for a reason...

To those who knew late Aeffie @ Nafisah Sapuan, please pray for her soul...

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